Monday, 4 April 2011

Glorious Gaga!

Glorious Gaga!

Never one to stay out of the limelight for too long, Gaga’s done it again. Tweeting the shocking image of her album cover yesterday, Gaga has sparked yet more controversy in discussions with her emaciated face.
When I heard about this however, I was disappointed in myself – of all the hair style ‘icons’ to blog about – how could I miss Gaga! So, here you go!
Lady Gaga loves her wigs. It started with the cutesy bow, but never one to go around quietly, the hair phenomena that is Gaga gradually built up to full-blown, all out wigs – well, what do you expect from a woman who makes her grand entrance to an awards show in an egg?!
I must say, I know Gaga is a dedicated blonde, but having seen her borrow the brunette look, I was quite impressed.
Gaga did all the right things when wearing this brown wig, including an extra clip on fringe, which worked perfectly. Bump up the spray tan, and Gaga isn’t washed out at all – she stands out amazingly – (Gaga, standing out?! Never!)
However, speaking of Gaga being a dedicated blonde, as I have said many times before, its VERY easy to go too far with the bleach (take it from a victim of the bottle herself!) But when your Lady Gaga, I suppose it doesn’t really matter when you walk around with bright yellow hair – its kind of expected, am I right? Right. Well all I can say is, this would be a good picture to show the hairdresser when presenting them with a warning of what not to do! But hey, whatever floats your boat Gaga!
Now, I do love Lady Gaga as much as the next person, so let me finish by being complementary. Gaga is allowed to experiment and have her fun, but she is also a strict, serious, entrepreneur, and I’d like to think she expresses it in her style too. Heres a ‘toned down’ Gaga being interviewed. Maybe she was trying to show that theres more too her than extreme hair, but then again…

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